Letting Go Gracefully

Stuff is falling away, and so are people and places. My coveted book collection is on yard sale and giveaway status:  Everything from quantum theory, to psychology theory, to conspiracy theory and much more, is leaving. What do I really need to know, that I will not know in the moment? Other than a how-to manual, what do I need information and knowledge for, when the wisdom of awareness is here?

Also falling away, are relationships. This is interesting, from Awareness’s point of view. Just days ago, I realized the very purpose of a women’s group that Lori had loved being part of, for almost two years, no longer served. That the shared exploration of the Divine Feminine as a path held no appeal, simply because from where I now sit, it’s not necessary.

The same goes for tantra as a path to awakening. And human potential workshops? I don’t think so. It’s not that these paths are not useful along the way. But from this stillness that inhabits me, there is nothing more needed. Nothing to enhance, get to, fix or achieve.

The egoic mind is forever pursuing a betterment program, the path of polishing itself to ever more shiny states of okay-ness. This preoccupation with self-improvement is folly. Because the healthy ego is still not Awareness. Instead it is a well trained ego. Like an obedient and friendly dog, the mind can be trained by meditation, tantra, self-help, therapy and more. This training is not Awareness Awakened to itself, though arguably it can still the mind long enough for Awareness to rise up.

It’s like letting go of so much basement junk or clothes that no longer fit, this falling away of externals like the need to self-improve; the desire to be a better person; the urge for spiritual growth. It’s this very illusion that fuels spiritual consumerism and the hugely popular self help market. There is a ready supply for the false demand of the broken ego wanting to fix itself.

But it’s really so much more simple: The real you is already perfect. All you need to do is wake up and realize it.

Awareness Is Here!

Lori Ann



PS: Did you know I’ve started a weekly 3-minute video blog? It’s free, fun and magical. Curious? Then subscribe here. 

11 thoughts on “Letting Go Gracefully

  1. navneel

    I have lot of insecurities,vulnerabilities,fears and phobias.I spend most of the time dealing with those problems.I desperately want to be free of it all and truly want to experience the aliveness of life and help others see it.I know that I am honest and i am not fooling around, but I never seem to get it, or cross the bridge permanently so to speak.Help.


  2. Jay

    I find that spiritual books can be very helpful, but only when we are willing to integrate their teachings and go beyond words. We need to intend to make it reality and see these teachings as much more than just ideas. We need to feel the ideas and make them part of our daily life. But this may not be a conscious choice, in that for some people it will resonate, while for some others it may not and not everything will resonate equally for everyone.

    I personally have read many spiritual books, many of which I found were speaking to my soul. To me, it was a question of feeling that I already knew deep within that what I was reading was the truth. When this realization happens and it resonates to your very core, it is enough to spark a change in your life, slowly but surely.

    The answer does not lie within these books or any other instrument on our “quest”, but rather inside us, much closer that we could believe.


  3. Julie

    “Everything from quantum theory, to psychology theory, to conspiracy theory and much more, is leaving. What do I really need to know, that I will not know in the moment? Other than a how-to manual, what do I need information and knowledge for, when the wisdom of awareness is here?”

    Yes, that’s exactly what this feels like! Not sure what I mean by “this,” as things feel quite brain-busy over here, but there it is.


  4. awarenessishere

    yes, Robin, Awareness lives in the question, the place of not-knowing yet curious and eternally watchful. What I find here, in this stillness, is the death of dilemma. There is no more tension of what to choose…the choosing, the knowing, simply arises in each moment. The trust is implicit. The perfection undeniable. Thus my question: Who questions “how to live in the world?” That is often a mind quality, the questioner. Slippery mind, always wanting to know. 🙂


  5. Robin

    I’ve been beyond fixing for a while (books, healers, psychics, whatever). For me, the question that arrises is how to live this among the dreamers… compassionately, fiercely, or some other way? This I am still willing to learn, fading into and out of the dream, seeing what will happen as the others wake up… full of playing, then directing, then playing again. I am here for a reason on one level, no reason at all on another level. Agility is what makes it lovely. I watch myself evolve… knowing it was never me “doing it” in the first place. Love playing with you Lori Daisy Delight!


    1. awarenessishere

      Hi Robin–You wrote that “For me, the question that arrises is how to live this among the dreamers… compassionately, fiercely, or some other way?” I wonder….who is the self that asks that question?


  6. Deborah Drake - Authentic Writing Provokes

    Beloved Friend.

    Yes. All true. Awareness is more than enough. The books on my own shelves are reading this post with me. As are the trinkets that ground me on my writing desk as I write this. You are expanding courageously. I am inspired by your message. May all who read this missile on a day when great consuming is going on in households across the U.S. be moved, touched and inspired as well.

    Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

    Love Deb


    1. awarenessishere

      Deb, thank you for your message. The wisdom books we read are road signs at best, but it is up to each of us to one day choose to get off the highway of self improvement and take the exit ramp to Home.


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