Channel Surfing the End of the World

I am on a zoom call with a pretty young face named Gia Prism, telling me how this thing will work. I can ask questions, and she will open up the line for any number of her celebrity dead people to come through with answers. Her afterlife crew runs the gamut from singer/songwriter Prince, to […]

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Covid Confessions & A Plea for Love

In the Winter of Corona, I got jacked up on fight-or-flight fear — not because my awakening equanimity was weak, but because the echoes of living through a pandemic were strong. Believe it or not, I’d lived through the black plague as another iteration of my eternal self, and as a young child had a […]

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How to Stay Sane & Awake in Pandemic Times

Sometimes it takes a global pandemic to shake us out of complacency and into realization that death has always been at our doorstep, waiting patiently for us to recognize that life as a Me is a day pass in the grand scheme of the cosmos. Death waits, with a smirk on her face, knowing that […]

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The Transmission

The Crossing There comes a time in every lifeWhere, all at once, you arrive. You stand at the vacant thresholdof your Being, on the doorstepof an abandoned Truth — no stepsleft to climb, no remnant journeyfrom there to here. The arrival itself constellateslifetimes, collapses every mortalbreath you have ever taken into the black holeof this […]

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